Author of 13 poetry books,
including The Far Mountain,
Arrival, Full Circle, and
Now Voyager. Her work
has been nominated for
the Pushcart Prize and
Best of the Net.

A California resident and poet for over 40 years, Cynthia Anderson writes about the natural world and her family history. Her haiku, senryu, haibun, cherita, tanka, and other short form poems have appeared in Akitsu Quarterly, Autumn Moon Haiku Journal, Blithe Spirit, Presence, Failed Haiku, Prune Juice, Haiku in Action, Haiku Dialogue, Poetry Pea, Frogpond, tinywords, Frameless Sky, tsuridoro, Drifting Sands Haibun, Contemporary Haibun Online, MacQueen's Quinterly, the cherita, Moonbathing, Ribbons, and others. Her traditional long form poems appear in Verse Virtual, Sheila-Na-Gig, Silver Birch Press, and Writing in a Women's Voice.
Cynthia is co-editor of the anthology A Bird Black As the Sun: California Poets on Crows & Ravens, described by Jane Hirshfield as "a book whose heights, swoops, visions, and versatile multiplicities of flight-path are worthy of the trickster-bird celebrated in
its pages."
Cynthia's poems have appeared in many anthologies, among them: SOLO Voyage (Solo Press, 2023), Unknotting the Line: The Poetry in Prose (Dos Gatos Press, 2023), Bird Whistle (bottle rockets press, 2023), Campfire Stories Vol. II (Mountaineers Press, 2023), San Bernardino Singing (Inlandia Books, 2020), California Fire & Water (Story Street Press, 2020), Fire and Rain: Ecopoetry of California (Scarlet Tanager Books, 2018), Waters Deep: A Great Lakes Poetry Anthology (Split Rock Review, 2018)
The Wise Owl "Talking Books: Cynthia Anderson, The Far Mountain"
Haiku Registry: The Haiku Foundation website. Read my Poet Profile here (includes sample poems)
Storyteller Poetry Review, "Storyteller of the Week," July 14, 2023, https://stortellerpoetryreview.blogspot.com/search?q=Cynthia+Anderson
Book Review of Full Circle by John Brantingham, The Journal of Radical Wonder, 5.22.22, https://medium.com/the-journal-of-radical-wonder/cynthia-andersons-full-circle-cholla-needles-press-79ecef27193d
Book Review of Waking Life by Erica Goss, Sticks & Stones Newsletter, 1.7.19
The Transmitter: Interviews on The Coil Magazine, Summer 2018
Cynthia Anderson Answers the Questions that Matter
MacQueens Quinterly #7: “Formerly Known as Ion” (Also selected for contemporary haibun 17)
The Heron’s Nest, December 2021, "petroglyph canyon"
Sheila-Na-Gig, Summer 2021, "The Interior" (Nominated for Best of the Net)
Kosmos Quarterly, Fall Gallery of Poets 2020 “Becoming Sequoia” https://www.kosmosjournal.org/news/kosmos-autumn-2020-gallery-of-poets/
Silver Birch Press, Landmarks Series, "Camels at Font’s Point," August 2020 https://silverbirchpress.wordpress.com/2020/08/21/camels-at-fonts-point-by-cynthia-anderson-landmarks-series/
Cynthia Anderson can be reached by email at cynthia@cynthiaandersonpoet.com